One Acre Intensive wood fuel kit (Chips)


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This kit allows you to plant up 1 acre of land as an intensive coppice for maximum wood chip production. You get more willow setts to plant at a closer spacing than in the log kits. This will result in a higher yield of wood suitable for chipping.
The yield from your field.
A Well managed coppiced willow bed will produce between 0.5 and 1.5 kg of dry wood per sett per year. An acre field will give you around 5-6 tonnes of burnable wood chips or logs and kindling (at 30% moisture). In energy terms this equates to 1400 litres of heating oil or 16,000 kWh of gas. This is roughly 8 tonnes of green unseasoned wood. The willow coppice will maintain high productivity for at least 20 years, and you can reasonably expect it to give an economic yield for 30-40 years . These figures are based on harvesting a quarter of an acre each year in rotation. You can produce & harvest logs without specialist equipment. The kit includes:
6840 12" biomass willow setts ( a mix of biomass varieties)

18 rolls of 100m x1m permeable woven ground cover fabric for weed control (note the lengths on the roll are +/- 5%)

3600 pegs to hold down the ground cover. (15cm plastic)
Detailed planting, growing and harvesting instructions

In fertile soil you can expect to harvest 4-6 tons of air dry wood per year. You will get this by harvesting quarter of an acre each year and allowing it to regrow for 3-4 years (In the first year after planting you coppice the entire acre, then move to a rotation coppicing a quarter every year.
We can send this kit out in stages to allow planting to be spread over the winter months.

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